Monday, August 26, 2019

Apple brand marketing campaigns positively influences Apples corporate Research Paper

Apple brand marketing campaigns positively influences Apples corporate identity in the consumes mind - Research Paper Example To build that kind of brand image, organizations will come up with brand marketing campaigns before and after the launch of the new products or services, which will entice and impress upon the eyes, ears and thereby the minds of the intended consumers. Then, when the launched products or services live up to the expectations of the campaigns and becomes successful, it will create an optimal impact for the organization, bringing in more consumers. Aaker (2004) discussed that a strong brand is a helpful and useful tool to establish an image and status for the organization, which in will influence the client to go the organization’s products, thereby building a solid and loyal customer franchise. Apple Inc. is one organization, which has been able to achieve this perfectly with its effective marketing campaigns. Srivastavaa and Thomas (2010) validates this fact by stating that Apple’s brand marketing campaigns has been one of its key components to its success, as it helped it to develop an positive brand image, which in turn played an important role in how consumers viewed it as a company, and importantly influenced them to buy its wide range of products. Apple Inc. started building a strong brand in the 1980s and 1990s, with campaigns like the Super Bowl commercial titled â€Å"1984†, the â€Å"Think Different campaign† in 1990s, etc. According to Kahney (2002), John Sculley, the former CEO at Apple Inc., increased Apple advertising budget from $15 million to $100 million in early 90s, and the current CEO, Steve Jobs spent close to $100 million in the marketing campaigns of iMac alone. With these spending and effective marketing campaigns, Apple Inc. was able to create a positive corporate identity, which greatly appealed to the client base, and importantly made them to support Apple Inc. even during its worst times. That is, when Apple’s products did not do well and when the company faced tough financial crisis, its brand image and the resultant consumers’ affinity towards it, only helped it to survive. As stated by marketer Marc Globe, â€Å"Apple is about imagination, design and innovation. It goes beyond commerce. This business should have been dead 10 years ago, but people said we've got to support it.† (qtd. in HWM, 2004). Chernatony & McDonald (2003) further adds up by stating, when a product or a service has a strong brand image, â€Å"customers perceive them as having value over and above that of the ‘equivalent’ commodity, or in excess of the sum of the price of the product’s or service’s constituent parts†. After a resurge due to its strong brand image, Apple Inc. was able to further elevate its corporate identity in the consumers’ mind with the launch of its successful flagship product, iPod in 2001. Its worldwide success gave Apple a strong corporate identity of a technological major, who can come up with products, which are innovative, adv anced and multi-purpose. That is, Apple’s products came to be recognized by consumers as high-end information and communications technology hardware, manufactured by a strong organization (Potter, 2006). In 2006, Apple Computers' survival and success hinged on two new initiatives - incorporation of Intel Processors to its PC's and its plans to succeed in digital

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